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The slow digestion of time.

Fifth period entered the room and immediately gave up. Some are going to college, others will become fashion influencers, and many have dedicated their lives to failing as many AP exams as possible to prove a point. I attempted to teach about freedom of the press, but I spent Sunday in the sun, and though my head is beautifully shaped and spectacular in many ways, it is deficient in reflecting sunlight. So my exposure left me reddened and tired and so I allowed the AP Video to teach. I half-heartedly interjected a few comments but soon gave up. I assigned a quiz for later this week and slowly resigned myself to feeling all the headache dehydration can cast my way.

Sixth period seemed to actually go backwards in time. Each minute I glanced at the clock was a minute earlier than the last. I have unlocked a new form of physics B= (-) MC squared. B equaling boredom.

Seventh period has one hold-out that has chosen banishment rather than give his presentation. I am moving on. Today we received our paper two topics and then we all got into a fist-fight about when the first draft of the reflection paper should be due. I said Thursday, but the class lead by a team of thugs demanded I bow to DECA and of course that will never happen so I fought back with the only weapon left to me, spite and made the assignment due today. Eventually the class came to accept Thursday as a compromise.

U.S. History learned about banks and the Great Depression. Most of them assumed I was just going to talk about my every day life, but there was actually a time period called the "Great Depression" and it is not just a way to describe the past decade of my life.


Noa Batista
Noa Batista
Feb 26

Is this what I’m going to have to deal with?

Timothy Petraitis
Timothy Petraitis
Feb 26
Replying to

You deserve better.

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