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Monday October 24th-Friday October 28th

This entire week will be less specific and dedicated to those that value noise and motion rather than substance and care. A talented craftsman sees the figure within the granite and labors to cut it out and free the art and so becomes an artist. Those without talent choose to use dynamite to blow the granite into many pieces to be sorted and placed into bins and locked away in dark rooms. Those that are truly depraved force the artist to do this for them.

There is a theory of bureaucracy put forth by Max Weber. I learned about this during my Masters classes in college for Educational Leadership. It was advised to be aware of this theory as the results of placing individuals into these cages could be disastrous as individuality would be sacrificed for complicity in conformity. Here is a brief blurb describing it:

"The iron cage is the one set of rules and laws that we are all subjected and must adhere to. Bureaucracy puts us in an iron cage, which limits individual human freedom and potential instead of a "technological utopia" that should set us free." (Weber, Die protestantische Ethik und der Geist des Kapitalismus)

If the cage exists and this week promises that it does, I am a tiger and my cage is stark and unadorned and I call out to my keepers in roars they cannot understand and they laugh at me as if I am a beast with out emotion or thought. It is assumed that I am dumb and voiceless except for meaningless animal noises, and only attuned to the stimulus of the basics of Maslow's hierarchy. My keepers assume the small bits of Purina Tiger Chow they toss at me will placate me. Yet my thoughts are of the forest and the rivers where once I was free.

If we are all destined to find our way into cages, it would make sense that we place our dreams into urns and hope that no one finds them for they are too valuable to be lost.


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