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Gold Day, Previously A Day. Day 3

If time is only the measure of light, and the future is the darkness beyond, then somewhere in that darkness is a copy machine that works flawlessly and intuitively. This timeline is simply the wasted youth of Einstein and the teasing of better things.

I made copies for the first time in three years. I have been giving all of my paper away and now I am caught like a generous squirrel in an unforgiving winter and the copy machine is wasting the few acorn reams I have managed to store. 35 copies. That is what I wanted. When the 35 copies were complete I wanted another 35 yet the copy machine looked into the greedy heart of man and read my command as 3535 copies. Too many! I managed to fix the problem but now there is tension between myself and the copy machine and I fear it. The copies were for my AP Government and Politics class. They were distributed in class and the instructions for completion can be found on Canvas. We discussed the foundations of the Declaration, decided on the best way to break up from a nation and delved into the perils of mobocracy. For some classes we got to sample the unsatisfactory choices a sadistic human might make at dinner using the ideals of virtual representation.

U.S. History just did U.S. History things and we learned about the psychological effects of the Emancipation Proclamation and the finer points of constricting snakes. The Anaconda plan remains a classic military move and the video that accompanies the lesson continues to educate.

AP diagnostic is due on Friday. U.S. History mini-essay is also due on Friday. The Foundations of the Declaration (or something like that) is due on August 28th. I am off to mop up the dog shaped puddle Sybil left after her swim in the lake. I need better towels. Also I received my first offering of Reese's today. Tonight we feast!


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