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Gold Day. Formerly A Day. Day 71.

My day peaked at 4:47 am today. I became spirit brothers with a coyote as he walked along Orange Drive. I think he had just finished eating an opposom since there was a little bit of one left on the side of the path and I think the coyote was smiling. This is our second meeting and I hope for more.

After leaving the coyote behind I eventually wandered into my work and had much less meaningful experiences all day long. Unlike coyotes that live free and wild, I am stuck with a bunch of "hothouse flowers" that don't eat opposoms, but live on a diet of Takis, Flan, and deceit.

Apparently the Seniors have invented a mythical holiday. All of the agnostic seniors showed up at school for the test review (and in some case announcement) while everyone else stayed home and willed colleges to accept them by being truant. I even had students that I KNOW for a fact are NOT going to FSU stay home, leaving me feeling the same way I felt at all of my birthday parties until I was too old to still have them. Alone. I'm old, but I still have a tiny piece of heart that isn't broken yet. Or I did.

For lunch I was invited to the WAVE for a treat. I was expecting a petting zoo or maybe all of my missing seniors, ready to jump out and say "we were here for you all the time". Instead it was the school administration dressed as snowmen and in festive sweaters and they were offering donuts and hot chocolate, but first I would have to have my picture taken being jolly. I did not have any donuts today.

After school I had to carry all of my things over to room 419 for the Model UN meeting which for some reason insists on meeting in the 400 building because they are too lazy to take the stairs to my room in the 900's. After attending this meeting of "nerdists and nerd enthusiasts" I went to the Model UN fundraiser at Burger Fi. It was there that as I was preparing to pull out of the parking lot that I found one of my truant students, that had skipped all day, diligently taking out the trash for the Subway. I confronted her by the dumpster and the fact she almost dropped all of the garbage and looked terrified for at least 4 minutes made all of the skipping slightly more palatable.

1 Comment

Timothy Petraitis
Timothy Petraitis
Dec 13, 2023

Wow. This guy sounds like the seniors really let him down.

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