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Gold Day. Formerly A Day. Day 7.

A tree broken at the trunk remains a tree as long as one leaf can escape and unfold green into the air. I have also one leaf left and I offer it to any that would recognize the life inside.

Today someone removed the only piece of furniture in the teacher bathroom on the third floor of the 900 building. Paper towels were just resting on the rim of the sink and the room once sized for humans seemed a cavernous place, better suited as shower stall for a circus elephant than a place to escape the shrieking of children for only a moment or two. Whoever took that shelf must be truly desperate.

AP Government compared the Preamble of the U.S. Constitution to the Declaration of Independence. We turned in homework and we received homework anew. It is on Canvas. Foundational documents 1.3. and an assignment on the Preamble to the Constitution. Also, you are not fooling me about watching the videos. You need a code to see them and I can view who has the code.

Quick review in order of introduction of foundational documents:

Declaration of Independence

Articles of Confederation




This Blog

U.S. History learned the WAVES technique of analyzing political cartoons. The class was so amazed at my teaching skills that they carried me around the class on their shoulders and cried tears as if they had just been gifted with the same knowledge by Kim Jong Un himself. Truly it was humbling. There is homework and I assume a quiz will follow. There is an online discussion that approximately five people bothered to contribute to. Also PERSIA and WAVES. I'd write more, but I suspect no one reads these.


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