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Gold Day. Formerly A Day. Day 69.

Today I lovingly packed a lunch of all the good things. The basic food groups were all there: Pizza, ramen, and cheesesticks. And they were still there at the end of the day when I came home and found them still packed neatly in my lunch box, sitting on the kitchen table.

The lunchtime food crisis forced me into desperation. I had to open my emergency food stash. I have a picture below of what I was forced to eat. I will mention that some people actually like this. I would also caution you to read no further if you have a weak stomach. To add to the self-inflicted horror, I had the humiliating task of walking over to the 300 building just to find a can opener so I could free this abomination from the can it haunted like an evil, wishless genie. I then had to walk all the way back to my class as I didn't want anyone to see me eating it.

It's a tamale casserole. My lunchtime beverage consisted of a dissolved airborne immunity boosting tablet, however all of the cups in the teacher planning area are very tiny. You are supposed to use 8 ounces of water. These cups hold maybe 4. I ate my salty, water-flavored corn mush, with tiny pieces of some kind of meat (probably pork) and washed it down with extra-concentrated, fizzing, vitamin C.

The kids that said they would be absent on Tuesday, decided to practice being absent today too. I'm disappointed but not surprised. Someday when we live in a dystopian hellscape of Orwellian nightmare, they will say to themselves as they shuffle to the coal mine that they live and work in "How did we get to this horrible time? Oh, right. We willfully decided to not learn about government and now we have the worst one imaginable because we showed as much apathy in life as we did in class. We deserve this."

Also, even after yesterday's blog post which I guess many kids were too illiterate too read, 18 students sill un-ironically asked if they could turn in late work.

The FBI kids (which sounds like a horrible T.V. show) complained about the fairest test I've given all year.

Maybe if I give the next one using puppets, instead of expecting them to read it will be better for them. Most of them eventually came to profess the test was actually fair, but only after I bribed them to say it.


Aug 17

Do you hate the FBI kids? 😭✌🏼


clara matiello
clara matiello
Dec 08, 2023

ok but u did get a snickerdoodle cookie!!!!

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