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Gold Day. Formerly A Day. Day 58.

If you do not expect the unexpected you will not find it, for it is not to be reached by search or trail.

AP Government and Economics was gifted with videos. Videos of Dr. Briscoe speaking as a floating head above the information most pertinent. After the videos it was poor analogies...Identify the penguin. Describe the penguin. Compare the penguin. Explain the penguin. Not necessarily in that order. This is in preparation for learning how to interpret the AP tests. Unfortunately there will be no penguins in the testing rooms. Not after last time.

Fourth period angered me so I brought down rains and floods. I myself am safely ensconced in my kayak, where I will be living for the next few nights. While I float to safety like baby Moses, fourth period and all they love will be washed away and the world made new for the classes that actually show up.

First period was confrontational. I really thought I was going to have to break dance fight them one at a time. I was ready for this, as I am always ready for a break dance fight. I didn't become a teacher to be bullied. I became a teacher to escape the bullying and possibly do a little light bullying myself.

Comprehensive Law FBI class had a totally expected visit by two special agents today. We were completely prepared for the visit and it wasn't a surprise to anyone, especially me as this visit had been planned in advance. By others. In a meeting. That I was not in.


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