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Gold Day. Formerly A Day. Day 50.

"Weep not for the test you failed. Weep for the test you stayed home to avoid and didn't take, for the make up test is the one that will truly break you." Vlad Dracula (maybe, possibly someone just as cruel.)

The FBI class still hasn't figured out they are in a simulation. Yes, they've had one teacher, and now two. Wait until they are moved again. The next move will be to some random PE class behind the school dumpsters and we are just going to tell them they've been in that class the entire time. They don't know the true plan yet. First we move them from teacher to teacher, constantly asking them their shirt size (I know it seemed weird to me to, but the head of the AICE program asked me to ask them.) At the end of the year they will have had at least fourteen teachers, learned all sorts of random facts and they will never get the shirts, but they will get lot's of targeted ads on their Canvas page for shirts in their exact size.

I totaled the statistics for the test. The egg is filled with candy. Or bees. When the AP class with the highest score comes in they can break it. However I am taking one point off the final average for each late test I have to give. Maybe there will be bee's for every period. Bees covered in peanut butter to make sure I get everyone.

9 comentários

02 de nov. de 2023

We better get our shirts soon...

03 de nov. de 2023
Respondendo a

we wont 😪


02 de nov. de 2023 dumpsters can't be that bad..right

02 de nov. de 2023
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it will be fiiiiine…


01 de nov. de 2023

I could not fix your pencil sharpener

02 de nov. de 2023
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“Things” like your students? 👁️👁️

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