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Gold Day, Formerly A Day. Day 5.

There are divots in the grass where the coconuts fell. Swept up and discarded the life inside will forever be just another landscaping decision. Usually. Today the kids next door are throwing them at each other and my cul-de-sac resembles a tiny Peloponnesus and although I feel responsible, I'd rather see the spent casings of coconuts as expended ammunition and it's entertaining to think I have become a suburban arms dealer to the urchins that have colonized my yard.

In AP Government and Politics I asked the class to amend the current Cypress Bay as if reforming a government. This was an opening to Federalism v. Anti-Federalism, however almost everyone used it as an opportunity to criticize the school lunches and advocate for greater parking lot freedoms. All in effect asking for more government rather than less. Alexander Hamilton smiles from the formless void.

There is a homework assignment or two on Canvas. I'd get on that. They are mostly due tonight. No exceptions.

U.S. History started PERSIA. It's on Canvas. Everyone loved it and several kids danced with joy. After working on it in class for a while we transitioned to Kahoot and the game ended in one very one-side victory, and then a larger victory for all. There were actual cheers when we escaped the sea monster in the game. Check Canvas. You have work due. Mostly the mini-essay about the most important thing.


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