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Gold Day. Formerly A Day. Day 42.

You probably have not noticed, but I have not been in school for the past two days. Is that because I find you wretched and horrible? No, not all of you!

It is in fact because I have been in a training for AICE teachers. I originally signed up for this because I thought that "training" meant traveling the rails in a carefree fashion. I was looking forward to evenings conversing in the dining cars, and standing on a small balcony at the tail end of the train staring at the track as it recedes in moonlit silver trails. Perhaps there would be a spy and intrigue and mysteries. But it in fact was a very different type of training. I believe that when teachers tell you that they are going to a training or a conference you have no idea what happens there. So, please enjoy my photo diary of my training.

This is the name tent I made! I usually go by the shortened version of my name, "Moth". However this time the paper was longer, so I used my given name. This ensures that no one touches my stuff! Unless another "Timothy" shows up. Then I guess we just battle. There can be only one!

This is the convenient display to let me know where to go! Although it seems that I would be a perfect candidate for study by the "Behavior and Mental Health" group, I was in fact there for the AICE training.

Often trainings are held in unique and exotic locales! Here is the view from my hotel room!

Here are some of the people I am not interacting with. I am a shy introvert. I prefer to brood quietly and become a mysterious shadow participant, taking pictures of everyone, but speaking to no one. Not at all like a weirdo. I think everyone appreciated my eccentric ways. Especially after pointing to my name tag and telling them "No. Call me Moth. It's short for Timothy." Surprisingly few people spoke with me.

Here is a sad inside tree, attempting to distract you from the garbage bins.

Here is another sad inside tree, attempting to hid the entrance to the bathroom! I found it. There is in fact a bathroom behind that tree. The tree is not the bathroom, as quite a surprisingly large group of people shouted to me. Inside voices people!

Sometimes people don't take time to notice the small simple decorations, like planters. Here someone placed a shiny garbage can below the plants to draw attention to them. Well done interior designers!

Hopefully I have learned a lot at this training. This is what I expect my classes to look like by the end of the semester! This picture was part of the training. It was obviously sourced from a photographer that has never seen children before.

I find the photo above to be a more accurate depiction of group work.

And that is what I got from my training. I hope you enjoyed that I included you in my journey to become a better teacher.


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