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Gold Day. Formerly A Day. Day 19.

For the 30th year in a row I failed to win teacher of the year. I think that is some sort of record. If you count the number of people that saw my name and said "nah" and multiply that by 30 it really makes you appreciate all the lunches you ate alone in middle school. It was foretold...

AP Government and Politics took a quiz today. I briefly discussed putting the tests behind a paywall, or perhaps having a tip screen added. "If you enjoyed your test today and you want it graded fairly, please tip accordingly!"

After the test some kid "honestly I don't remember who, all the faces are melted in my memory like a box of crayons left in the sun" suggested the school build cable based escape pods for fires, and other emergencies. You would just climb into a sort of bucket and ride the zip line out to the field or over the gate in the front of the school. I think it's a pretty good idea.

I found a fake phone in the phone holder today. I will probably make it into an art piece. Some sort of 3-D installation called "The Lie" and keep it on my desk to remind me that the hearts of children are black and full of deceit.

U.S. History Honors finished the prequel to Ferris Bueller's Day Off. No one expected it to end so grimly. Quite a few deaths, not at all like the original. If I remember correctly, the writer of Ferris Bueller's day off originally planned for all of the the teens in the movie to be undead zombies so it sort of makes sense, they just eventually went a different way with the script.

Today was actually pretty quiet, except for the unnerving sound of breaking hearts. I've been giving tests and quizzes for so long I barely hear it anymore, plus I'm never sure if I'm just hearing the sound of my own. Honestly it's mostly just scar tissue now, it's been broken and healed so many times.

Period 4, descended into madness when they found out Rebecca Black just dropped a new album. We listened to it and decided we didn't like it, but we did enjoy one of her older forgotten songs "Saturday". Much dancing followed, complete with puppet snakes. I don't know what the Florida Legislature thinks is going on in classrooms, but I am certain they have no idea how hilariously innocuous it truly is. (I have a video of it, but to protect the awkward I will not release it.)


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