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Gold Day. Formerly A Day. Day 15.

Today I began writing the college recommendation letters in earnest. Many times I am reminded that my only tether to youth is the bond I have with my students. If you have asked me for a letter and I have said yes, here is what it will be. I'm certain the colleges and universities never check for multiple copies of the same letter. Here is the form I will be using for you if I agreed to your letter.

Dear College People!

Salutations! Please accept my most heartfelt recommendation for RANDOM STUDENT HERE. Not only is RANDOM STUDENT HERE a treasure in the classroom, making themselves useful by collecting the gum from under the desks and storing it in their "treasure box" but they are also captain of the school chess team cheerleading club. Cypress bay is the only school in the nation with cheerleaders with the inherent intellect to know just when to cheer in a chess match!

Also, RANDOM STUDENT HERE is fluent in several languages. I think. One of my favorite of their many languages is dolphin. They just squeak away and I'm fascinated that RANDOM STUDENT HERE has taken the time to bridge the gap with our soggy mammal friends! At first I thought they were just reacting to a particularly painful rash, but according to them, they speak several fluent cetaceous languages. Sometimes for hours.

When I first met RANDOM STUDENT HERE he or she made an impression on me by offering to wash my car whenever I asked. Seriously, everyone that asked for a letter has implicitly agreed to washing my car whenever I want it done, including after a day of collecting fish scraps, or in the middle of the night, or early in the morning or really whenever I ask. I look forward to utilizing this offer very soon.

If you want an amazing student just look no further than RANDOM STUDENT HERE. They will not let you down. If you accept RANDOM STUDENT HERE into your institution your diploma may finally mean something and not be the glorified rag it is today. People will stop using the NAME OF UNIVERSITY HERE as a way to describe a place inhabited by the willfully mindless and those seeking to avoid employment, now or in the future. You can finally climb out of the bin of academic mediocrity (or worse) when RANDOM STUDENT HERE is accepted to walk your halls and stalk through your buildings in the middle of the nigh whispering "Ninja!" like they do now at Cypress Bay. I would say they will be missed. I would.

AP Government and Politics. I convinced you not to be terrorists. Also I uploaded a few worksheets for you to work on. It's in the name! Also there will be a quiz on Friday. It's a surprise. AMSCO page (whatever page it starts on) to around page 40. The book is about 6 feet from me, but I'm too comfortable to get up and look. But somewhere in there is your quiz.

U.S. History took a quiz, went to lunch then returned to a rousing game of History Hunger Games! The class is brutal and painfully dishonest. I'd like to say I was disappointed but really I expected little and I got even less than that.


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