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Extra Credit!

If anyone needs extra credit there is a new air conditioner drive going on in class. It needs to be new and able to efficiently cool a three bedroom house. Drop it off new and in the package and I'll be willing to add an extra five points to your next economics assignment. The extra credit is open to anyone and if you choose to not donate, then you can write a short book about not being manipulated out of an air conditioner by a desperate teacher.

The above is a work of fiction. However...

So my air conditioner has a rather unique problem. It isn't that it won't turn on. It won't turn off. At all. The implications of this are unknown. Will my house be able to house polar bears? We'll see! Will this solve global warming? Probably. I'll just prop the window open and cool the world. Will I get a Nobel Prize for this? Honestly I'm running out of places to keep my awards. I'd probably just put it in my "award drawer" with the others. Thank you for reading and I hope in some small way my unhappiness helps ease yours.

This is me relaxing at home.

2 comentarios

15 mar

You ate the picture Mr P!!!!!

Me gusta

14 mar

Me gusta
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