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Day 979

I am short on time at the moment.

Brief points about today.

Some untamed artist drew me as "My Little Pony" cow edition. It is like a horrible Frankenstein's monster. I submit the following.

Also my door was vandalized early this morning. See below:

One of the sophomores suggested using nicotine to enslave the population of Cypress Bay that hangs around the bathrooms waiting to share vapes. His basic idea was to offer vapes to students in return for menial tasks such as running to the vending machine etc. I suggested this was nascent trafficking and would probably not end well. His reply in it's entirety: "It might be trafficking but it's their fault for getting addicted."

Don't vape and this kid won't try to enslave you.


1 Comment

Daniela Rosario-Torres
Daniela Rosario-Torres
Jan 31, 2024

I lost it with the MLP cow version of you. The U.S. flag as your cutie mark is hilarious JAJA 🐄⭐️




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