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Day 96 of my captivity

Today I enjoyed publicly grading the work (or lack thereof) from 8th period. The conversation was mostly about imperialism and such things, however the most valuable lessons are often the lessons we learn from the children. For example, "babies are squishy". Yes. They are. That is why we don't use them as building blocks for houses etc. I'm glad we had the time to have that brief biology lesson before returning to U.S. history.

Also someone said they saw a girl try to swallow a vape in the bathroom. What she meant was, the actual product produced by the vape. Still it presents an interesting visual.

Tomorrow the AP Government will be performing their hastily written musicals about establishment clause and free exercise clause Supreme Court cases. I've booked the auditorium and I've invited the kids from IS. This will punish them a bit, while motivating everyone else.

After school I took Sybil to the park. She likes to threaten squirrels with a stick. It's good to see animals using tools, whether it's a sophomore with a dull crayon, or a dog with a beating stick it's nice to see evolution following its course. And since my mom occasionally reads this, I mean evolution in the very basic sense of progression, not necessarily in the cosmology sense that might create friction.

5 comentários

12 de fev.

Thank you for explaining before you got a tearful phone call.


Daniela Rosario-Torres
Daniela Rosario-Torres
02 de fev.

Sybil is so majestic, her stick is a wonderful accessory. ✨🎀


02 de fev.

When is Sybil merchandise coming out 😪😪🥱🥱


01 de fev.

Sybil is so threatening with that stick

Timothy Petraitis
Timothy Petraitis
02 de fev.
Respondendo a

Yeah she is. Watch out she's not wearing a leash and could show up anywhere.

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