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Day 6

Sophomore Study Hall is still unaware of this blog. I do not link it to their Canvas pages and so the words typed here are like our own secret language of scientists hidden in the treetops studying butterflies.

I am writing this in class as they speak of their least favorite vegetables, and although I did not catch all, the loudest declaration was against cucumbers. The conversation followed this format:

"I hate cucumbers!" followed by "Why, cucumbers literally taste like water!" and then "I know, I hate water!"

Preceding this conversation was a discussion of milk and if chocolate and strawberry milk comes from chocolate fed or strawberry fed cows. I believe in my heart they know the answer to this, but the possibility of it being true is too enticing a hypothesis for them to solve quickly. Perhaps it's better to never know so that the fantasy of flavored cows remains part of childhood.

I fear there will be more to follow. At the moment they are talking about enemies, which is a strong take for a sophomore, but we all have our nemeses. The mention of actual enemies is not the heart of the conversation, rather they speak of backstabbing, gossiping types that would be an enemy if one were inclined to have one. Personally I have no enemies as I have no relationships strong enough to harbor feelings of anything other than emotional ennui.

I'll keep the blog posted.


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