Day 56
Sophomore study hall has finally figured out that I was ostracizing them. Due to reading comprehension "issues" they probably think that means I was turning them into ostriches. Not the case, although if I could do that I would, because I believe being a flightless bird is probably very frustrating and I want that for them. I want them to feel the frustration of looking at the sky, wishing to soar and flapping their useless wings until they collapse and get eaten by a lion. Then the lion will spit them out because they are bitter and filled with jolly ranchers and anger.
The early part of my day I spent writing college recommendation letters. I make them particularly glowing because the sooner my students they are out of Weston and in college, the sooner they are someone else's problem. I don't want to live in fear of them lurking outside my window with their hot Minotaur breath fogging up the glass.
Since today is Halloween, I spent the day not giving out candy. If I give anything today it will be MilkBones and un-cooked potatoes. I don't get to disappoint enough kids at work, so I want to spread it to the neighborhood kids as well. Halloween brings out the best in me.
Wow so humble!!!