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Day 56

Sophomore study hall has finally figured out that I was ostracizing them. Due to reading comprehension "issues" they probably think that means I was turning them into ostriches. Not the case, although if I could do that I would, because I believe being a flightless bird is probably very frustrating and I want that for them. I want them to feel the frustration of looking at the sky, wishing to soar and flapping their useless wings until they collapse and get eaten by a lion. Then the lion will spit them out because they are bitter and filled with jolly ranchers and anger.

The early part of my day I spent writing college recommendation letters. I make them particularly glowing because the sooner my students they are out of Weston and in college, the sooner they are someone else's problem. I don't want to live in fear of them lurking outside my window with their hot Minotaur breath fogging up the glass.

Since today is Halloween, I spent the day not giving out candy. If I give anything today it will be MilkBones and un-cooked potatoes. I don't get to disappoint enough kids at work, so I want to spread it to the neighborhood kids as well. Halloween brings out the best in me.


Oct 31

Wow so humble!!!

Timothy Petraitis
Timothy Petraitis
Oct 31
Replying to

Yes. Not certain how this is being used in the context of the comment, but I am quite possibly the humblest human being alive.

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