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Day 37. Mischief

October slices each day shorter and shorter until we are left with only a sliver of daylight, and darkness fills in the gaps. But nothing is as dark as the soul of a child. (Maybe the soul of a monkey, or a dog that doesn't like to be pet, but otherwise it's children.)

Yesterday I found this: (below) hidden behind the trash can in the hallway.

It says 14+, but we all know this is designed for ONLY 14 year olds. I confiscated this weapon of mass destruction and brought it to my classroom so I could put it to work for good. I'm thinking of putting a hand sanitizer label on it, or maybe label it as mouthwash. I haven't decided yet.

Meanwhile some kid left his air pods in my class and now can't get them until Friday. I don't feel bad about this because he looks like he has terrible taste in music and I'm doing him a favor. I did briefly toy with the idea of spraying them with the above, but some kid saw me contemplating it, and cried out something to the effect of "Don't do it Mr. Petraitis! His ears are going to smell terrible and he won't know why!" I think that it's hilarious that someone could have this problem, but out of respect for the care displayed I abstained.

Side note. My Cul de Sac is infested with neighbor kids and one of them just learned how to whistle. He's walking around outside my window and he sounds like a 19th century locomotive, out of control and barreling towards a church picnic. Ugh. I hope his whistling attracts an angry condor and it chases him all the way back to his own house.

댓글 2개

10월 02일

walk by and spray the farts on the kids you hate and embarrass them

Timothy Petraitis
Timothy Petraitis
10월 02일
답글 상대:

Not sure if the bottle is big enough. (I don't hate anyone.)

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