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Day 30. Comedy.

Period five burst into the classroom this morning and began to complain about the computers. Not all of the kids, but at least one. When I was in school we had computers, but I still chose to do all of my homework with a stick and a bucket of dirt.

Then (and of course I won't mention names) some kid that eats an entire box of dried seaweed like some sort of aspiring manatee, dropped it on the floor. I became aware of this when he loudly shouted "My weed!" and "All of my weed is on the floor!" He picked it up, but I'll probably have an infestation of manatees in the room tomorrow and have to call an exterminator. Sometimes it's ants, sometimes it's large vegetarian sea mammals.

Another kid gave me a mask to wear. I don't pretend to be model material (anymore) but giving someone a mask may send the wrong message. "Here, wear this so I can finally enjoy the class without my eyes trying to crawl into my skull." Granted it was a cow mask, and I really like it, so I'll accept it in the spirit it was given.

The FBI class was told about an upcoming activity I have planned called "Create a Crime" which will incorporate surveillance techniques etc. Each group will have to stage a crime and the rest of the class has to solve it. Hopefully I mentioned this is to be a simulated crime. Whatever. Next class we're committing crimes.

AICE Global Perspectives shared with me their fears for the future, and the angst that is college application season. Since I never went to college, I guess I don't understand. It's not that hard to fake a transcript. Look at me! One day I'm sleeping in an abandoned ice machine behind the 7-11 the next I'm "teaching" children. Little do they know I've just been making up stuff about U.S. History and Government. Things like "Amendments" and "Abraham Lincoln". Hopefully they'll never fact check any of it.

I finished the day with AP study Hall. They managed to smuggle at least one kid in again (seriously that has to stop) then sat around telling dad jokes. Some kid vandalized my board with the picture below, then they all left, the day was over and I felt as if I had been rolled over by a large wave and left on the beach like an injured whale.

(It says the third, but I don't know who the other two are.)


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