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Day 3

The children are revolting. Or they would be if given the chance. Today we wrote our own "Declaration of Independence" and I believe that even Thomas Jefferson would have said "Hey, that's a little harsh. Cut the King some slack."

Nevertheless the exercise was cathartic. I must never anger these children for I fear they may have me committed and locked away.

I have a new coffee machine in my classroom and I'm certain it must be breaking some rules. I also have a secret fridge, and a rather less concealed microwave. I am slowly turning the classroom into everything I need to quietly move into Cypress Bay and live there like a phantom, solemnly haunting the 900's. My new barbecue grill arrives shortly.

As Sherlock Holmes had his Moriarty I too have my nemesis or nemeses. Sophomores. They slink threateningly into the class and immediately begin to manually lower their IQ's. It is a challenge I believe. They look me in the eye as if to say, "If you can teach me then perhaps you can slow the progression of time that is slowly hurtling the Earth towards a rapidly deteriorating sun and certain death." They know I cannot, for I am not omnipotent and so all of our futures both near and distant are doomed.


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