Day 25
The Reign of Chaos has abated. I welcome back AP Government into the warm place in my heart they vacated. Thomas Hobbes was correct when he said:
"(What y'all want?)
Unconditional Love (no doubt)
Talking bout the stuff that don't wear off
It don't fade
It'll last for all these crazy days
These crazy nights
Whether you wrong or you right
I'm a still love you
Still feel you
Still there for you
No matter what (hehe)
You will always be in my heart
With unconditional love"
Thomas Hobbes, 1670
As Noah had his Dove, as a sign of hope, so to was I visited today by the mighty symbol of America. A bald eagle was nobly perched in my yard when I returned home from Cypress Bay. Sometimes I am moved by nature, and sometimes nature is moved by me (like when a turtle is crossing the road.) Today we were one.
Bald Eagle
glad to be back man