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Day 23

Today the children toiled in the mines of knowledge and were fruitful. Each nugget brought up from the darkness of memory and political construct is just another stone in the foundation of their futures. Let the cornerstone they quarried today be the rock on which they build their own voice.

I stood in today as advisor for Feminism club and History club. They both met simultaneously in my classroom after school, and held two separate meetings. Feminism club graciously and adorably shared cookies with History club, but I assume if History club had left over cookies they would have choked them down themselves like over stuffed vultures gorging on muskrat corpses.

(This does not represent all of History Club, just the members I know personally.)

Earlier today I drank several gallons of coffee. It was provided by my favorite students. Thank you period two, you are slowly climbing out of your valley of shame. I look forward to a day we can speak as equals once more.

Every week I write a heartfelt letter to my hero, and perhaps the greatest musical talent of our time, Rebecca Black. I extend an open invitation to spend the day with us, and maybe perform "Friday" as loudly as possible, while the class learns a bit about music and pop-culture and of course joins her in song. If all the cicadas of the world ever stood on each others shoulders and shouted into the morning, they would only be a whisper of the noise that is "Friday". I feel confident tomorrow is the day. If I dream it, it can happen.


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