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Day 22

I'm replacing the desks in my classroom with plush dog beds for my my 5th period. They enter the room the remnants of night still clinging to them in the form of dreams unfinished. Perhaps rather saved for later than unfinished for the perfect time to continue the nocturnal wanderings of the soul should of course be during the discussion of the Native American reservation system. Sleep well in the comfort of Cypress Bay built literally on top of a Tequesta hunting ground, knowing full well that if you manage to NOT learn today's lesson you are probably in the clear, because you will never have this class again.

So dog beds and perhaps noise cancelling head phones. That way you can sleep in the soft embrace of ignorance earned. Leave the empathy for others. You are too busy anyway. Your unfinished homework from other classes only inspires me to perhaps send you off with more of my own.

So nap, do your homework, and generally just be aware that I see you doing work that you should not be. When we choose to ignore our shared history, the dead have died in vain, and will do so every time you ignore them.

What I see when I teach. Some are paying attention. Not pictured: The group doing homework.


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