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Day 15

I have solved classroom overcrowding. I will probably win one of those awards that they gift great educators. What are those called? Oh, right there is no such thing.

So, it appears that if you give a quiz on a Friday, you can significantly cut down on school over enrollment. My class was so empty today that when someone would raise their hand it just appeared as single Joshua tree in a vast desert, far on the horizon. I applaud those that did show up. That is why you are my favorites.

After the FRQ we had some discussion of the Legislative Branch. However I was curious about some other things. Since apparently our girls volleyball team is some sort of Valkyrie-like pack of unforgiving warriors, why do they not get the respect of having cheerleaders at their games? I asked a kid that was dressed like a cheerleader, so I assume she probably was one and she said something about tradition or time constraints or whatever. We have lots of sports teams. Why can't the cheerleaders be at golf tournaments and the water polo games and the chess club meetings?

I've heard both Debate and Model UN referred to as "nerd sports" and as the advisor of the latter I can say confidently that we would be a much more intimidating team with the help of a few pyramids or synchronized dancing or whatever it is that cheerleaders do. Consider it.

1 則留言


Model UN should def have cheerleaders Mr P.

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