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Day 120. Approximately.

Today AP Government and Econ took a test and I stupidly didn't take away phones. I will learn from this. The time change has thrown me off.

Second period continues to be delightful to be around and third period was visited by the FBI.

We had six FBI agents in class today. I was asked to send my kids to A lunch so I did. When the guidance counselor that set up the visit showed up during A lunch all she could do was ask me where the kids were. IT WAS HER THAT TOLD ME TO SEND THEM TO A LUNCH. Since the FBI agents were in the room it would have been the perfect time to say "I don't know. I wasn't the last one to see them." And then start acting suspiciously while I purchased tickets to Brazil right in front of them.

Then I thought "To make this work I'll have to actually buy tickets to Brazil, and I already missed Carnival and have many other opportunities to wear my green feather covered speedo, and also I don't want my cell phone stolen, so I guess I'll just stay here." So I told the counselor that they were all raptured. All of them.

Eventually 4th period rolled in and took the test and did suspiciously well at it. I'm not saying anyone is cheating but I noticed that no one got a 30 out of 30. That would be too bold. If you are going to cheat on a test you have to throw a few questions, and it seems like everyone is too greedy to give up more than one or two wrong answers. Either that or the class actually knows something. Once again two thirds of the "I" girls were absent. The "I" girls are a set of unrelated girls in class that have names that start with I and seem to miss almost every test or quiz I give. One of them was there. I respect that.

Oh, and also some kid keeps trying to sell me some off-brand chocolate, probably grown with child labor. Although the idea of child labor grown chocolate is a plus, I declined. Unfortunately kids that sell candy equate a negative response with your emotional connection to them. If you don't buy their candy, in their minds you don't like them. This is only true sometimes.


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