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Blue Day. Formerly B Day. Day 49.

I have no idea what is happening in my neighborhood. It's as if a factory full of seven year olds closed down and now they are all just walking around asking me for food. Get your own peanut butter cups you little savages. I work hard, it's not my fault the glue and macaroni art plant shut down! Quit knocking on my door expecting handouts! America wasn't built on charity and kindness, it was built on hypocrisy, moral platitudes, and wishful thinking. So as soon as you learn how to tie your shoes, start pulling yourself up by your bootstraps you tiny little hobos.

Also, can kids even eat peanut butter cups anymore? It's like offering chocolate to a dog. I may be annoyed by all of the little urchins that have overpopulated my cul-de-sac, but I'm not trying to off them with anaphylactic shock.

I had my first meeting with the special agents from the FBI today for my FBI class. I have to be honest, they didn't seem that impressed with my presentation on the Feline Beautification Institute. In my defense the school said FBI it could have been really anything.

You may view that Power Point here.

I gave the quiz to 5th period AP Government today and some doofus managed to get a perfect score and I've been in a bad mood ever since.


Nov 02, 2023



Nov 01, 2023

That doofus must’ve been pretty smart 😟

Nov 01, 2023
Replying to

He's ok.


Oct 31, 2023

YAY comment section


Oct 31, 2023


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