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Blue Day. Formerly B Day. Day 45.

My greatest regret is that today has been a great disappointment. 5th period barely showed up, 6th period did show up, 7th period ate so loudly during the class I couldn't even speak and 8th period slowly drifted out of the room like soap bubbles slowly disappearing in a tepid sink, leaving me alone with only the thuggish few that chose to remain simply to mock me and reject my lesson on populism.

I attempted to order staples for my classroom with the school board suggested vendor. It was 12 dollars for the staples and 14 dollars to have them delivered. I suppose that for that price, they are going to deliver them one at a time, gently carried to my room on the back of a tiny endangered caterpillar.

Today a student that I had in 2010 emailed me to tell me he didn't study. He waited 13 years to tell me this. Finally I have closure. He still passed the AP test, but since the time he graduated until now, an entire new chapter of the book has been written.

I have nothing else today. The soul vampires I surround myself with have taken everything and left behind nothing but desks covered in gum and for some reason four cans of green beans. I'm dismissing myself from today before the empty ordinary nothingness engulfs me and I find myself forever under the weighted blanket that is existing without passion.


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