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Blue Day. Formerly B Day. Day 39.

Today 5th period reacted poorly to the test I never told them about. Sometimes it's the test we least expected that means the most to us. I thought that they would have been able to determine that I was giving a test, by the coy way I spoke about the legislative branch, and the sparkle in my eyes as I pined about committees of Congress and the many types we have. They angrily clacked away at the keyboards as they took this unannounced test and I could only think to myself they would have known the previous class had already taken a test if they had just read my blog.

6th period study hall may or may not have been in class. Sometimes with my music on, I just go to a place in my head and it's like being surrounded by so many statues of irritating children. I think to myself, who would create such a place? What type of monster would create such a grotesque installation of art? Then the bell rings and they leave and for a moment I'm alone and I'm OK with that.

AICE Global Perspectives was revolting. There is really no other way than to describe them. They were upset that I failed almost all of them for not knowing how to properly cite an APA source. It took me exactly ONE second to find a video online of the proper way to do this. Although we had to listen to the droning voice of the narrator that was both precocious and patronizing at the same time. It wasn't her fault, it was just her irritating British accent. Now I understand the American Revolution just a little bit better. Then, I went through all of their grades one at a time on the Promethean board, so the entire class could see my comments and I wrote hurtful and desperate things. This small act of bullying made me feel a little better about myself. I especially enjoyed the part where I gave negative points to kids. One kid got negative numbers just because she had recently been to France. It was really freeing. I'm thinking this could be a new form of therapy for teachers.

U.S. History Honors played a game of Kahoot, and as they suspected, I tried to sabotage it by playing secretly and very, very poorly. However before they could all lose due to my shenanigans the game crashed and I didn't get the chance to watch them get disappointed because of my dastardly actions. The disappointment was still there, just less satisfying because I didn't catalyze it.

I found a new way to send kids out with a pass. You have to have an actual pass. So everyday I write one and laminate it. However some odd kid complained that a person couldn't really hold a laminated pass and use the facilities. I fixed it with adding a convenient way to carry the pass in the backpack pictured below.


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