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B Day Wednesday September 21

Freshman Study Hall: Today one of the freshmen was wearing a JROTC uniform. More proof that we are indeed creating child soldiers. Perhaps I can create my own private freshman militia force to clear a path for me so I get to the bathroom first during class change. I will continue to refine this idea although I fear it will never come to fruition seeing how fragile they look. Perhaps if they keep putting kids into my class we can dominate on sheer numbers alone. Two freshman equal one sophomore and three equal one junior. Etc.

U.S. History Honors: One student gifted me coffee and earned a special rank on the Petraitometer. The rest of the class remained sullen and seemed to be plotting something. Nevertheless they took the test (finally) and finished watching "Glory" where they got to watch Ferris Bueller riddled with musket balls. This was the inspiration for him to never be cast in any major movies ever again. I assigned vocabulary and the look of pure malice the class sent my direction turned my blood to ice and yet I relished the idea of them working feverishly by what I always picture as candlelight to turn the assignment in at exactly 11:58 on Friday. Or their nannies will. Either way someone is learning some history.

U.S. History General: Same as above really minus the vocabulary. Everyone came back after lunch and I will call that a victory. Also they will be taking the test in class on Friday with me.


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