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B Day September 9th

Freshman Study Hall: Because of the criminal nature of the Freshmen class we were required to attend a discipline assembly. We were warned of the dangers of vaping and the very real danger of "many wild animals" on campus. After the freshmen were sufficiently terrified into submission we all shuffled back to class to await certain death at the claws of "many wild animals" or perhaps to succumb to the deadly poison of vapes. But seriously don't vape.

U.S. History Honors: We learned the proper way to dissect a political cartoon and probably some other stuff. Honestly I forgot to update the blog so for all I know I went on a rant about Marxism or the proper way to communist. I'm pretty sure I did not do that but apparently according to various news outlets that is my main purpose in life. I disagree, but who am I to judge? I'm just a highly trained educational professional. Not an expert on education like a politician or an overly involved aunt.

For U.S. History we learned about the dangers of ending Reconstruction too early. For some reason most of the class attempted to sit behind my desk with me. It was crowded but cozy and everyone got to see the class from my perspective. Everyone left a little sadder than they came in, but at least we bonded a bit.


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