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B Day October 7th

Freshman Study Hall: I have challenged my Freshman Study Hall to a break dance fight. Right now they are buying parachute pants and considering how to enhance the venue (my classroom).

U.S. History Honors: Sixth Period has fallen into decline. If my soul were the Earth, each day they would take one tiny shovel full of substance away. Soon I will be nothing but a wraith in skin. The room is full of soul vampires, and they have bled me. They grow fat and satiated on my suffering and for the first time since I taught middle school I dread walking into the classroom. Actually I dread THEM walking into the classroom. At any rate last class we finished the lecture concluding with the Morrill Acts, the Acts that created land grant colleges. None of them listened and in fact they mostly just went about their business as if I were not even there. I assume they were irritated by the mention of college as they see it as unattainable as the good manners that escape them. Someday when they are scraping the mold from the ice machine at the 7-11 they will wish they had listened. We also played a Kahoot but I'm sure it doesn't matter as they have all decided in advance to fail the quiz.

U.S. History began the Jigsaw activity and did it remarkably well.

The rest of the day was Pep-Rally day and no one learned anything as they plotted how to make the chaos of 5000 students released into the wild like genetically modified mosquitoes as irritating as possible. They had great success in this endeavor. I suffered greatly.

Forests grow for the future, each leaf adding to the forest floor at death, the Earth becoming richer. So I sacrifice myself for the future, though I fear the forest I lay down my time and very essence for in the form of soul shaped leaves will in fact only be a parking lot.


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