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B Day October 4th

Freshman study Hall: I chose to wear headphones today and only took them off to speak with a child that poked her head above the top of my desk. She asked me to eat a gummi worm to see if it was ok because her friends claimed they were bad and making them feel sick. I declined politely.

U.S. History began the Jigsaw assignment as explained on my last A day post. However 6th period dropped in my esteem to very low numbers as my decision to have them work in groups was loudly and obnoxiously challenged. The reaction I got from one student was so violently rude you would have thought I had just asked her to donate a kidney right there in the class. There will be reprisals.

U.S. History General: The class listened to a lecture about the end of Native Americans living freely in the U.S. and their forced removal to Reservations. This was done as government policy. I know what I just said. I stand by it.

Personal note: My daughter subbed today and asked one of the students that happens to be in my Freshman Study Hall to put away the computers his group left out. He complained loudly and then just stacked them on her desk. I have vowed to make him the Laptop Monitor in my Freshman study Hall Class. I look forward to his open mouthed look of confusion and sense of damaged status when I do this.


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