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B Day October 17th

Like the roots of a weeping willow that always, blindly find a path to water, so to do the freshman of Freshman Study Hall find their way to me. One of the sub packs of freshman have somehow gotten their hands on novelty sunglasses, mimicking aliens, or giant bugs. I feel that somehow I am seeing evolution in action, the way a monarch butterfly or coral snake warns of toxicity by displaying bright colors. One freshman in particular has agreed to do small chores around the classroom if I say kind things about him to his teacher. I agreed and I will fulfill my obligation as soon as I find a kind thing to say.

U.S. History Honors: 6th period feels as if it is just an extension of poor choices started in the Vista parking lot. I imagine if it were humanly possible they would in fact drive their cars to class and sit inside them in a haze of vape smoke. In some ways this might be an improvement as it would allow me to not see them ignoring me. I attempted to teach about the Populist Movement, and eventually we watched the movie the Wizard of Oz as an allegory to this movement.

U.S. History General: Today you took a quiz. Most of you did quite well, and you also gained points from playing Kahoot. Soon we start learning the Populist Movement. I have great hopes that the learning in this class will take hold as my Honors students are hostile to the idea of the Populists. Well, not the Populists so much, but learning in general.


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