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A Day Tuesday September 20th

U.S. History Honors decided to take a test they had not been aware of. Although I wrote the test, I still managed to get less than a perfect score. The rest of my classes will take it eventually, however I am trying to keep it a secret. I want my classes to stumble upon it like lost fawns discovering that the place in the forest with all the corn is really just a hunting feeding station.

AICE Global: Today we narrowed down our topics to sub-topics. From here we will venture into research questions. We will be keeping journals of our own work and our group's work. By the end of the class we will have more information on each other than the East German secret police had on East Germans. Several of us stayed in the room for lunch and had ice cream. It was wonderful and it also explains why I ushered the rest of the class out of the room so quickly at the lunch bell. I'm sorry if you didn't get ice cream. Life is full of disappointment.


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