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A Day Thursday September 22

U.S. History Honors: Today we talked about the various Indigenous peoples of the U.S. and while some people seemed interested others chose to keep up with their lifestyles as influencers etc. Others chose to sleep so soundly I could only envy the peace they must have to be able to fail so confidently. Sweet dreams my poor lost lambs...

AICE Global Perspectives: Today we focused our time on creating research questions and choosing a sub-topic for our component 3. We started to keep a journal of all we do in the class, but after having graded it I assume that only 4 people actually read the instructions. After lunch I heard a loud commotion in the rest room. As loathe as I was to go into that cavern of vape mist and bananas shoved into urinals, I steadied myself and proceeded. I found a large number of freshman who had decided to walk all the way from the 400 building, climb the stairs to the top of the 900 building and enter the restroom next to my class for the sole purpose of ... actually I can't think of a single wholesome reason for them to be there. They kept telling me it was ok because it was "lunch" and that made me sad to think that their dining standards were so low. I imagine this is because they have become accustomed to the standards of toilet eating promoted by many fast food chains. After stopping all of them in the hallway I finally walked away. I was almost back in my classroom when I heard one of them call from 50 yards away "Is it OK for us to leave now?" I said yes, but I wonder if they would still be standing there now if I had in fact not dismissed them verbally.


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