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A Day November 2

Period one is surly and disoriented. Surely they have been forcing sugar down their gaping goldfish mouths for two days now in heroic quantities. I showed them the power of the workbook and they recoiled from it like roaches fleeing a quickly turned on kitchen light in the depth of early morning. Some chose to come to class late and so were singled out. Nevertheless my mercy was abundant as I chose to teach them as if they were nearly human. We did the Robber Barons Jigsaw activity. The ability to forgive is a finite thing I think. At some point my ability to continue teaching in these conditions will deteriorate and I will find myself slowly walking north up the Florida Peninsula, stopping only when I am surrounded by nothing but polar bears and I will either join them or be eaten by them, both seem equally acceptable and a better option than the retirement the state of Florida has prepared for me.

AICE Global Perspectives A and AS level continue to do research. No matter how many times I tell them I cannot assist them, still they come to me as beggars. "Please sir, may I just have a small portion of critique?" No you may not and surely you would disagree with me nonetheless. My words are only weighted by the gravitas with which they are accepted and so they float gently away never to be heard nor remembered again. Someday my students will look out of the top floor of their ocean front Manse and say to themselves "I did this! I alone made this happen and I alone deserve this view." And the meritocracy that has remained nascent and unformed in the womb of all human existence will again appear only as a stillbirth.


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