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A Day January 10

Today I saved the real lives of all of my first period students from a fake emergency. Although an imaginary fire raged as ragey as my rage filled heart, I calmly walked my class to imaginary safety. It was easy because 95 percent of the class refused to follow directions and walked the wrong way. I saw a kid in the hallway with a cast and he needed to be taken down by elevator. I attempted to do this, but was told by a behavioral specialist that if this was a real fire I'd just have to leave him. So I left the poor doomed child in the hallway to slowly braise in his own juices while the more abled students escaped to safety. The lesson? Don't be injured. We will leave you behind like a wounded wildebeest being attacked by lions.

I also assigned homework. It's on Canvas. It's a bunch of cartoon stuff. Have fun with that.


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