A Day August 18th
This morning I woke up to find that an opossum had stolen the last few mangos from my tree. I don't mind sharing with my fur brothers. However I will have less mangos to eat now and fruit is a luxury. Perhaps it is a magic opossum and tonight it will return to grant me wishes in gratitude for me sharing. I await this eagerly.
1st hour began as my night had ended, with silence and the subtle pang of disappointment. I bought a new pumpkin spice air freshener for the classroom. However as I installed it I spilled about a teaspoon of the liquid on myself. I'm afraid I will smell like an October Starbucks for quite some time.
The class took a pre-test and then we played a game that subtly encouraged turning on each other. This amused me. I will be assigning the vocabulary later today.
AICE Global Perspectives A level silently judged me as I talked about some of my favorite books. I gave an overview of Component 1 and then assigned something called Dollar Street, and also a World Map. I expect greatness. I fear I will be disappointed.
Period 2 had the pleasure of reading "The Burning Three". We then went outside and hid from the imaginary flames.