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"The steam engine that is B day, barreled forth into the sunlight and over the cliff of evening taking all passengers screaming into the abyss." Is what I would have said if fifth period had bothered to come to class, but sadly the animation was dampened by the subtraction of voices and the oxygen was restored to the quiet and the introverted. You know who was absent. You know who you are.

I spent sixth period wearing noise cancelling headphones. They weren't actually on, I just didn't want any one to attempt to communicate with me. One of my students in AP study hall is doing a project on serial killers, because of course they are. This is the hook that drags kids into the field of psychology until one day they graduate and find out that most of their job consists of handing people tissues and trying not to look at the clock.

Lunchtime was devoted to the weaponization of nerdy conversation while I discussed which Lego Millennium Falcon is the correct one. The general consensus is that while both are acceptable, only the one piloted by Han Solo can be considered canon. The other is just a flying castle for Disney space princess'.

Eighth period continues to haunt my psyche by forming classroom islands each with a unique irritable quality. One is too loud, another too sensitive and others just exist to make me feel I should be more inspirational but somehow I just am not.

The weekend beckons and I look forward to at least one full day of staring straight ahead because I am shell shocked by the preceding week and blinded by the responsibilities of being an adult. I will probably put all of my negative energy into writing both the test and the quiz for AP government.


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