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April 1st...AGAIN

So I have heard some disparaging remarks about the work I've been leaving. Face it. You are in an Honors class, and at least for the time being you are essentially relegated to open note and open book work. In order to keep the lessons unique and worthwhile and to ensure that you are actually thinking I have been leaving open ended thought provoking Socratic reasoning assignments. I am not grading them any more harshly than ever. At the end of each unit I will publish here and on Canvas my summary of each unit. The announcements on Canvas are designed to provide a venue for your one to one questions. If you are having difficulty with a question then ask me for help! I like teaching. It is very hard to teach when all I can really do for the moment is direct you to published pieces and have you prove you are understanding the theme. If I were to leave fill in the blanks, and word searches I would not be doing you any favors. So please just try to put yourself in the lesson, and remember I feel passionately about your ability to understand history. The world is often a mess. It is going to be partially your responsibility to be the ones that keep us all safe, sane and prosperous. So stop complaining about how hard the work is and remember that you are well equipped to do it because you are talented and it is your responsibility to understand even difficult topics. History is just life. You've got this!

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