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From the Future

It's January 15, 2069. I have rolled back my dates on the internal clock of my computer for possibly my last communication with actual humanity. It is the only way I can still post. My time machine works! I have crawled here to send out a blog while I still have battery. I am in the remains of an ancient Starbucks. Somehow, after the robots left all else in rubble, a few Starbucks are still standing. The WiFi is weak, but I am getting a signal. It is now 100 years since the day of my birth. In the fall of 2025 we cloned the first dinosaurs. However the clones were slow and stupid. They could not be weaponized, for of course that is why we created such technology. The Second Civil War had destroyed the fragile experiment that was the American Republic. The United States was replaced by small pockets of tribalism. Each loyal to one of our new leaders. These new dictators had been inside of our minds for years before we realized they had been pulling levers, and pushing buttons. They were changing us like we might reprogram a computer. Soon we were ruled by the Media Titans. Times Warner. Fox. Disney. Facebook. Before we even knew they owned us, we were slaves. Slaves unable to think for ourselves and unable to process thoughts without being told we were somehow mistaken. We were too liberal or too conservative. We had forgotten how to just be. And then the Boomer war started. For that is what we called it at first. We took sides as instructed. And we challenged the very nature of death with new weapons. We cloned the dinosaurs. From old death would come new life, and from new life would come chaos. But as I wrote before the dinosaurs were slow and stupid. They could not be egged into war. So we changed them too. A scientist in the Independent Free Zone of North Dakota used an IPhone 13 to implant in the tiny brains of the reborn tyrannosaurs. Now they didn't need to think. They could be given thoughts directly. Mankind wept at what we had created. It was as if the ills of the previous century had gone unnoticed and unremarked. Had we as man not regretted the tearing apart of the atom? Once torn a mighty death burst forth like a vengeful phoenix. And now more than one hundred years later we were once again bringing death to the earth with the dinosaur-cellphone clones. They reproduced and they reprogrammed. Now man had a common enemy but it was too late. We gathered together young and old, liberal and conservative to fight this ever evolving threat and yet we were doomed. So with a heavy heart I stepped into my time machine, disguised to look like a simple toaster (a very large toaster) and I arrived here. There is no life. We have destroyed it all. The laws of time travel only allowed me to travel forward for I cannot change the fate of man from the past. I can only send this message from the future. My battery is dying. I can hear the sounds of an armored reptile scratching at the door. I speak to you now in my past, your present. Don't wait until it's too late! I can only change the past by traveling past it. Past the present. The world here is one of only decay. So I will sit for a while in this Starbucks and await my fate. Maybe I'll have a latte. Whatever. Cappuccinos are pretty good too. I digress. To those in the past, hear me! Now, I will sip my latte (or cappuccino) and wait for the sun to go down on this robot dinosaur clone world and on my own story as well for surely it ends here.

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