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A Day!

For Period Two...Click Here...

Today I was broken. I was made a wingless butterfly, mutilated and recreated monstrously reptilian by Period 2. I was once splendid in my winged finery, now made to crawl.

I opened a galaxy of knowledge to you, but you filled it with the black smoke of ignorance; the gray pallor of funeral ashes escaping the towering smokestacks of a dull factory where knowledge is beaten into something industrial and common. You took something wrought of dreams and smothered it before it even breathed one breath. But whatever...

The lecture you missed out on is on the website. Since you didn't get the lecture you should read pages 123 to 146 (Period 2 only). As for the rest of you, that is probably not necessary but wouldn't hurt. You have a map test and a vocabulary quiz on Monday. Everything is on the website...

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