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A Day!

Today you read an excerpt from Helen Hunt Jackson's book: A Century of Dishonor. You loved it. Except for period three. Period three spent most of the class obsessing over a fly, asking me to read the excerpt to them out loud like a kindergarten teacher and then getting into an argument about map labeling. I digress. You also had a lesson about the historic expansion of the U.S. For those still awake at the end of that I introduced the new vocabulary. It's due Tuesday the 25 for A day. You will also have your vocabulary quiz that day. Then we had ANOTHER lecture about warfare between the U.S. and the Native Americans on the Great Plains. Around this time fourth period, Drake announced he was postponing his concert. "Concert..." Kids cried REAL TEARS. At the end of the lecture I handed out a map of the U.S. that needs to be labeled by Thursday. This idea was met with incredulous indignation. Apparently this is the worst thing in the world. I'm linking a site on my U.S. History homepage to help you study. Good luck.

*Quick Edit...There will be questions on Edmodo (discussion) about the reading excerpt (A Century of Dishonor) that you read in class. It will be due Friday at 11:45. If you don't have it in by then you will be locked out.

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