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B Day!

U.S.H.H. Today we started a film based on a novel by Upton Sinclair. Everyone loved it.

AP Huge:

This blog post is dedicated to Diego.

I promised Diego prose and I will deliver. Poetry even. However today we are going straight to the point. Read EVERY article posted in the last unit under human geography, namely urban landscapes. Make certain you KNOW every unit. FINISH your spreadsheets and bring them to me in the morning. Make certain you are familiar with the U.N. Millennium Goals, the Epidemiological Transition, and UNCLOS. (I'm going to post articles about these conflicts under the political geography tab. Read them.) Be aware of coastal disputes such as China in the South China Sea, and the conflict over the arctic. Check the main page for your testing center. Watch as many Power of Place videos (link on main page of Human Geo) as possible before you want to vomit. See you tomorrow.

Personal message. I have enjoyed having each of you in class. I want nothing but the best for you and I sincerely hope you learned something. It is not just about a test, but understanding of the world and the people around you. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to teach you.

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