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A Day!

In the darkness a danger was being birthed. Somewhere in the shadows out of the pooled lights of the streetlamps something wicked was gnawing at its umbilical cord and preparing to loose itself into a world of prey. This evil, this walking curse was insinuating itself like poison in the bloodstream. Malice was pouring forth from a font with a wellhead in Hell and into the hallways of Cypress Bay. Makeup work was its name and no one could stand in its riverine current. Old un-taken tests and ancient vocabulary practice flooded the desks and poured forth onto the floor and the righteous cried out in dismay "spare me this curse so that I might teach and bring wisdom!" but this voice was muffled. Drowned. Drowned in the early morning riparian flood of makeup work.

Also we took a quiz. WWII Vocabulary part 3.

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