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Petraitis Brand U.S. History Honors and Not So Honors
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Monday October 24th-Friday October 28th
This entire week will be less specific and dedicated to those that value noise and motion rather than substance and care. A talented...
A Day October 20th
Today the mortals threw themselves at my feet and cried tears crafted from C's and B's. I am a generous being and I heard your pleas...
B Day October 19th
The freshmen are becoming self-aware. Like cows looking through the door of the abattoir they peered into pinnacle and realized that...
A Day October 18th
U.S. History Honors began the populist movement, but only after one student asked me when I was going to grade his project. I told him I...
B Day October 17th
Like the roots of a weeping willow that always, blindly find a path to water, so to do the freshman of Freshman Study Hall find their way...
A Day October 14th
U.S. History Honors did more or less what the B day did, they just did it backwards. So I guess you can go back and read the last B day...
B Day October 13th
The age of light is fading and the world is under the dictatorship of darkness. Is what I would say if I had to judge the future based...
A Day October 12th
Oh my, the agony. Just after reading the troubled and troubling schedule for PSAT testing day I became very ill. Very, very ill. In...
B Day October 11th
Freshman Study Hall: At this point most of the class have settled in nicely. I told one student an obvious lie, when I assured him I...
A Day October 10th
U.S. History Honors: We played Kahoot and learned that evil always triumphs. Honestly I don't really who won, but I assume the above is...
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